Brand Story
The story of “CFHD” comes from the founder Guo Linru, who draws inspiration from the rich cultural background of Guangxi Province. Growing up in the beautiful natural scenery and traditional crafts of her hometown, Guo Linru is passionate about combining local characteristics with modern innovation. Therefore, she founded “Hezhou City Babu District Nanchi Department Store” in 2022 and launched the “CFHD” brand, which stands for “Innovation Future, Harmony Dedication”.

Brand Name Meaning
“CFHD” means “Innovation Future, Harmony Dedication”. This name reflects our commitment to product innovation and quality. “Innovation” (Crafting) means our careful polishing of craftsmanship and design, “Future” (Future) symbolizes our forward-looking, “Harmony” (Harmony) emphasizes the integration of traditional and modern elements, and “Dedication” (Dedication) shows our insistence on customer satisfaction. This name reflects our commitment to improving your quality of life through every detail.

Operation Model
“CFHD” adopts an online and offline operation model. We provide a convenient online shopping experience through advanced e-commerce platforms, and have physical stores in major cities to showcase our products and provide personalized services. We source high-quality materials from trusted suppliers and manage inventory efficiently to ensure timely delivery. This model not only improves service efficiency, but also allows us to offer competitive prices while ensuring quality.

Future Development Plan
Looking ahead, we plan to expand “CFHD” to new markets and product categories. Our goal is to enrich our product lines and launch more innovative designs to meet the needs of different customers. In addition, we will optimize our logistics network and improve delivery efficiency. With the introduction of new technologies such as virtual try-on and artificial intelligence recommendation systems, we hope to further enhance the customer experience. Our ultimate goal is to continuously exceed expectations and become an industry-leading brand, making every step full of confidence and comfort.